No Regret Here!


Hello, my fellow bookworms! It seems as though I am making progress with my reading. YaY!

I recently requested Regretting You by Colleen Hoover from Netgalley at the suggestion of my fellow Bookworms Anonymous admins, and while I will be the first to tell you that I am NOT a fan of romance, I have to say that I really enjoyed this book.
This was not my first book by Colleen, I had read Verity back in December [I can’t for the life of me think of why I didn’t write a review, I can only assume it fell through the holiday cracks] and I enjoyed it. Verity was definitely different and twisted in a way that I really can’t behind to explain, which is also not my type, not in this sense anyway because I’m a giant coward, but the writing was done in such a talented way and the twist & turns you kept on coming and the best way I can explain Verity is say it’s the type you should probably walk away from, but you cant and I couldn’t put it down. Every time I told someone about Verity they informed me that it was not her usual style and they would suggest I read just about anything else by her, so when my admins were all excited about having been approved for this book, I figured why not? What better way to read something that is more of her usual style, new and of course, free in exchange for an honest review. I put the request in, never expecting to be approved as I have not been active with ARCs lately on account of the months-long reading slump. As soon as I finished book 3 in the Three Dark Crown series [reviews to come] I went ahead and started this [Saturday night] and all adulting responsibilities went out the window.

Regretting You starts with 17 yr old Morgan, out with her boyfriend, her sister and her sister’s boyfriend who also happens to be her boyfriend’s best friend and proceeds to take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride that I personally did not see coming. Every time I thought I had this book figured out, it went the opposite direction. I laughed, I cried, I wanted more at the end. I was not ready to walk away from the characters I spent 3 days getting to know, love and hate.

Regretting You releases this December the 10th. I suggest you don’t miss out!
Thank you Colleen & Netgalley for this fantastic read!

Til next time!



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