Dear Simone…



I love you & I have loved you for about 8 years now. I have read just about everything you have written and the Fuentes brothers are at the very top of my book boyfriend dreams.
I was so excited about this new book, you had not given us anything in a few years and I had already decided that Ryan Hess would end up at the very top of that list after Carlos, Alex & Luis [very much in that order, too] and so, after a very long week in Florida in the middle of the month from hell, I came home to Crossing the Line because I just knew your book was just what I needed to lift my spirits up…

And BOY! Was I wrong! I could not have been more wrong, had I wanted to be.

After I finished the book last night, I took to Goodreads to look over the reviews, something I had not even considered doing before I ran out and purchased the book, I mean, you wrote it, I did not even consider the misery that I would find at the end, it never even crossed my mind that you would write something that would make me want to bang my head on a wall and cry for a week.

Simone, sweetheart, WHAT are you doing to me?! Way to kick me while I am down.

Yes, I know, that is real life. Kids grow up and realize their parents aren’t who they thought they were, or wish they were, and yes, in some cases, step-parents are straight out of a Grimm Brothers’ novel. I was fine with all of that. Really, I was.
I was even perfectly fine with how quickly these two fell in love and how quickly it all came together between them with little to no conflict and everything just sort of worked itself out. I was even fine with the Spanish grammatical errors [many Spanish words change by male/female so Loca, female. Loco, male. so on and so forth. I’m here if you need a little help with that next time.] what I was NOT fine with, what I can’t and I mean CAN’T forgive, what I will never get over, is that ending.
You knocked the wind out of me with that. It was really unexpected and what is worse, I am not the only unhappy person who was blindsided by the absolute and sheer madness of that ending.
Why did you do it?
Do you hate us?
Is life not miserable enough as it is, that you just had to throw that in there to really twist the knife in…???
WHY?! That is all I need to know, WHY?!
Why couldn’t we get that happy ending that we all have come to know and love from you?
Where is my happily ever after?
Why did you do this to me?!

For so long your books have been something that I have picked up time and again as a means to remind myself that while life sucks, things always get better, nothing is set in stone and everything can change. This is not that book. This is not the book that I will ever pick up unless I want to purposely give myself a good cry. This book will not sit on my favorites shelf with the Perfect Chemistry and the Paradise series, it just won’t. This book will join the shelf of The Notebook & A Walk to Remember, for when life is stressful and you need a good cry to let it all out.

I hate to say it, I hate to do this, I really do but I  really don’t think I can recover from this betrayal.

With love & respect,


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